Monday, August 26, 2013

Hello Monday, Hello Friends

It's that time again. Actually, it's almost over. I suppose i could name this "Goodbye Monday" instead. Either way, it's still Monday while i'm posting this so yay me!

Hello to more cute leggings on a cute cute boy.

Hello cute butt.

Hello look ridiculously look-alike children of mine, and hello playtime together.

Hello to being supremely happy to finally be out of your car seat after a long road trip.

Hello to sucking on your big toe.

Hello to "this is why it's time to move to a crib for sleeping."

Hello to a night out on the town.

Hello to unloading from a night away from home.

Hello new bike! And riding it

Hello to another day, another ride in the stroller.

Hello to trying green beans & a sippy cup for the first time.

This past Friday i took Tavey in to the doc for a reg scheduled appt. He is 17lbs 12 oz. A big boy still! BUT he has not grown in length since 2 months ago, so he is finally out of the 90th % for height and has slipped to the 62nd %. He has 2 teeth (on the bottom) and huge appetite, and a need to sleep more. So we decided to introduce more solids, starting with vegetables and rice cereal. So far so good, though this is night 2 since we started so it's too early to tell if this will help the sleeping situation. In other news, we went to Minot on Saturday afternoon and shopped our hearts out, swam & ate to our delight. The end.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Hello Monday, Hello Friends

So bear with me, i am trying desperately to get this post done while it's still Monday, and i have a babee boy in my lap at the moment.

Hello to a new week all my friends! I hope the weekend\last week was good to all. We have been busy, as is and will always be the case. I tried really hard, (and feel i succeeded) at taking a lot of photos over the week. So enjoy the pics!

Hello to awkward selfies with your two kids...

And hello to the 2 cutest kids i know.

Hello to trying out your highchair & ice for the first time.

Hello bright blues eyes, and trying to grab the camera.

Hello to the most adorable vintage sweater, and hello to wearing it for the very last time.

Hello to playtime.

Hello to seeing mom after a long day of work.

Hello to an afternoon stroller ride.

Hello to the first time sitting in the grass, hello to fantastic leggings, and hello to sitting up on my own!

Hello to the bestest face to wake up to in the morning.

Hello to work time at the coffee shop.

Hello my happy little man.

Hello to Wal-Mart shopping day.

Hello to being rewarded for doing so well shopping at Wal-Mart.

Hello to quality playtime with dad.

Hello to the first time sitting in a highchair at a restaurant.

Hello cute face.

In other news, Octaveus actually got his second tooth in last Monday. I wrote the blog in the morning and went and checked and sure enough the second one had come through already. So he's been a bit crabby this week as they've worked their way through some more. And mom & dad have been a bit crabbier too as we've had even less sleep than normal (hard to believe that's possible.) Also the weather has been extremely hot (in the 90's) the past few days so that seems to not help either. Other than that it's been work & play & start all over again.